6 Tips to Boost Your Email Marketing

CDM Email Marketing - Edited

From a plethora of digital marketing platforms that marketers use to try and reach their target audience, where does email marketing stand? Email marketing is the tried-and-test tool that works if done right. From introducing your brand to building deeper relationship with customers, email marketing is a relevant to use. Here are six (6) email hacks that’ll get your emails opened and clicked:

1. Segment email lists

A subscriber has opted in to receive your content. But not all subscribers are the same. Each will have different interests, and that’s what you have to understand better.

Increase your conversion rates by sending out relevant and personalized content to your audience. This could be accomplished by segmenting your email list. You can segment emails based on demographics (age, gender, income), geography (location), and even behavior (emails opened, products purchased). Always aim to send the right email to the right audience at the right time.

2. Subject lines matter

The subject line is what will get your foot in the door. A few tips to increase your open rates with subject lines includes keeping the subject line short and sweet (preferably 50 characters or less and creating a relevant subject line by making the most of trending topics that resonate with your recipients.

3. Clear call-to-actions

Having a clear offer and call-to-action is important. Given limited attention, you would like to communicate the most relevant messages and be able to help them make decisions. Always ask the question, what do you want them to do with your message? Act.

4. Always test, test, test

Find out how your customers think and behave by A/B testing your email campaigns. Prepare two variants of your email – you can have variations for your subject line and copy – and send both out and see which ones get more engagement. Most email software providers do the A/B testing for you. The most effective variant is the one with the most number of opens and clicks.

5. Use automation tools

You don’t need to spend hours creating your emails. Get it done with email marketing automation tools. There are tools that help you with segmenting audiences, personalizing emailers, scheduling periodic emailers, and even replying to audiences based on their response to your messages.

6. Measure and analyze

Running an email campaign without measuring its performance is like running with your eyes closed. Email metrics will show you what works and what does not, allowing you to make changes based on data. Open rates, click-through rates, unsubscribe rates, and bounce rates are just a few email metrics to look out for.

Do you want to learn more about email marketing? Check out the CDM Digital Marketing Fundamentals Program where you can learn the basics of not just email marketing, but social media marketing and digital paid ads as well.

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