5 Common Slips When Managing Your Online Store

CDM E-Commerce 5 Common Slips when Managing your Online Store

Many businesses are interested in getting into E-Commerce. Whether it’s partnering with online marketplaces such as Lazada or developing your own E-Commerce website, brands have tried online selling in one form or another.

When it comes to E-Commerce, a lot of trial and error is involved. Fortunately, we have picked up a thing or two from our experts on pointers that are easily missed when executing E-Commerce initiatives. Here are the five (5) essentials that your brand might be missing when it comes to E-Commerce strategy and execution:

1. Your listings are not easily found by platform visitors

TIP: Make sure the product title you upload is not too generic nor too specific. Sometimes it’s also good to include synonyms (e.g. headphones versus headsets) or spelling variations of the product category (e.g. makeup versus make up) in the title to cover all bases.

2. The product details are not informative or captivating

  • TIP: Make your content short and straight to the point. Remember, your audience would not invest time in reading long product names or descriptions when scrolling through your E-Commerce site.
  • TIP: Do not overly edit or enhance your product photos. Make sure the product being endorsed in your photo is exactly what your audience will get. Nobody likes false advertising.

3. Thinking that more products listed means more sales

TIP: “Build it and they will come” was the old adage. Sure, that was appropriate when competition was thin, but today, with the number of choices, customers have more options and more brands fighting for their attention.

It’s always a good start to look at what you are selling and list them in categories. Categories are helpful when it comes to a brand’s E-Commerce strategy. Think of this being similar to a brick and mortar supermarket where everything is organized in categories for better customer experience.

4. Jumping to sell what is trendy without proper research

TIP: Always do a landscape and a competitive analysis before starting an E-Commerce project. Is your product the only one in the market or is there competition? What’s your competition like – pricing, promotions, customer reviews? What about trends – are you going to be riding on that or not? These are just a few of the questions you should be asking before starting an E-Commerce initiative.

5. Not driving enough traffic to the E-Commerce website

TIP: Let’s talk about promotion and where your audience really is. Knowing who your audience is and where they usually spend their time digitally plays a big part in your strategy. You have to place ads and do promotions on platforms where your audience will most likely see you.

If you’re just starting out your E-Commerce business or are looking to upskill yourself as you figure out your winning E-Commerce strategy, then make sure to catch the CDM E-Commerce Program.

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